In the garden, this week is the weeds. For annual weeds like crabgrass, annual bluegrass, kochia, etc., there is not much to do since they are producing seeds. Try to keep them from producing seeds by mowing or removing the seed by pulling the plant. Remember one crabgrass plant can produce over 1000 seeds! Prevent these weeds from growing in the early spring by using a preemergence insecticide.

As for perennial weeds like dandelion and creeping jenny (field bindweed), the time is coming up toward the end of the month and October before a hard freeze. The plants are taking the nutrients in the leaves to the roots, they will also take the insecticide to the roots killing the plants. Use a three-way insecticide with 2,4-D spray in the lawns and a Round-up type of product in the garden after a freeze.

Goldenrods are blooming now, and you see them along creeks and pastures. This plant does not cause allergies or hay fever. The goldenrod pollen is too heavy and drops down for pollination. The cause of allergies is the kochia and ragweed pollen which you do not notice the flowering. There are different varieties of goldenrods for the perennial flowerbed to order.
This is the best time to plant trees and shrubs. If you need to fill in a space, go to the greenhouse before it closes. Keep the plant watered until the soil freezes. Then put a 3-inch mulch around the trunk to prevent winter soil heaving.

Had an interesting question about someone’s tomato fruit that has hollow spaces and not much fluid inside. This is due to poor pollination because of high heat.

The other day I noticed a giant water bug in my fountain basin. They are interesting creatures eating mosquito larvae and tadpoles, but do not pick one up for they do bite (I found this out). The bite is worse than a bee sting.
Last weekend I sprayed an insecticide barrier around the house, along the doors and windows to discourage insects (really just the spiders I do not care about the other insects) from entering the house. I will spray again when the temps at night fall below 40 degrees. I have been doing this for a couple of years now and it has helped. Ortho puts a good insect barrier out but I am sure other brands will do the job.