Design trends come and go over time. They often reflect the “times” of how we feel and think. Since this year has been unpredictable and rather depressing, we tend to seek comfort in our homes. So, design trends 2021 are going back to comfort and predictably as in our grandparents’ home.

So, think “old school” making space more inviting and comfortable. Overstuffed traditional sofas and chairs in your home. A chair you can curl up and read a book or watch television.

Light-colored wood is replacing darker colors. Light-colored wood like dining room chairs and table gives the space a feeling of a larger room. These lighter woods give way to more paint colors whether light or dark.

As for the wallpaper, it is grandma chic. Floral prints, heavy curtains, and lace throw. Make to more modern by adding contemporary prints.

The older color trend has been neutral colors with a bold accent wall. Now the trend is going to a bold, natural color for all the walls and ceiling. These go back to mid-century color styles.

Remember the two words describing 2021 trends: comfort and minimal.