Vegetables a Beginning Gardener should not Plant

I was asked what vegetables a beginning gardener should not plant. One of the harder plants to grow is cauliflower. It has a longer growing season, however, head in cooler weather. Most plant varieties like to be blanched, tying of leaves to keep the sunlight away from the flowerhead so it stays white and non-bitter. Cabbage worms will be a nuisance.

Celery requires a lot of moisture with a long growing season up to 120 from seed. So, you need to start plants indoors or buy transplants. As the plant matures it requires cooler temperatures to prevent bitterness.

Head lettuces make sure you have the correct varieties like iceberg that will not bolt (seed) during hotter weather. Start early from transplants.

Carrots and parsnips grow good in loamy or sandy soils. If you have clay soils, plant the shorter varieties. Otherwise, the roots will be stunted or misshapen. Also, keep watch out for the root weevil that burrows channels in the roots.

Sweet potatoes need to be planted from slips in warmer temperatures being a tropical plant. They also average 100 days to produce potatoes. Best grown in raised beds.

Artichoke is a flower bud from a large thistle. As an annual in our climate, it needs 120 days to produce. Aphids are a frequent problem.

Eggplant because they taste like an old sock.