Raising exotic chickens is basically the same as raising “regular” chickens. Like any animal, they do their best when happy. The trend is people are raising more exotic chickens as they are being bred more and coming on the market. These chickens provide a huge awry of feather types and colors. The egg layers have eggs ranging from white, purple, blue, reddish, and black.

Some different types are the Malay chicken which stands around 30 inches tall and produces 120 eggs a year. They tend to be more aggressive and chase smaller animals.

The blackish chicken is the Ayam Cemani which has black feathers, legs, comb, and beak. They are not good setters; they lay about 1 egg a week.

Silkies have almost hair-like feathers giving a silky look to the bird. Coming in many colors: red, orange, white, black, and blues. They lay about 120 cream-colored eggs per year.

The Onagadori is a long-tailed, colorful chicken coming from Japan. They only lay around 25 eggs per year.
The Kadaknath chicken of India is another all-black chicken including their meat. Meat and eggs have a high source of protein and iron. They will lay around 100 eggs per year but do not worry that the egg will be black, they have a slight pinkish hue.

Polish chickens are the most popular exotic breed of chicken. They have a large feathery head coming in many different colors and are good egg layers. The best tendency they have is that they are very calm and quiet making good pets.

The French Black Copper Maran lay a dark purplish-black egg that sells up to $400 a dozen.
If you are interested in where you can purchase some of these chickens, try the Cackle Hatchery website.