Spring Blooming Dutch Bulbs

The earliest flowers in the spring are the spring blooming Dutch bulbs. Many blooms thru the snow. Snow crocus have already bloomed and now to the jumbo crocus, early tulips, and snowdrops. While many of these flowers are small, they make a statement of color when nothing else is blooming.

The smaller snow crocus

As stated above the snow crocus are the first to bloom in the flowerbed in March. They are a little smaller than the jumbo crocus which blooms a few weeks later. These naturalize well in rock gardens and in the corners of the beds.
Snowflakes are bell-shaped flowers growing 6 to 8 inches high. They are deer resistant and like most spring flowers require no special care.

Snow drops

Snowdrops are small white 4-to-6-inch flowers looking best like most bulbs when planted in a cluster. They grow naturally in high forest areas.


Snowflakes are bell-shaped flowers growing 6 to 8 inches high. They are deer resistant and like most spring flowers require no special care.


Daffodils depending on the variety bloom from mid-April to mid-May. They come in yellows, whites, and bicolor of the two. Leaves go dormant in the summer so plant around them with annuals. All the bulbs are well suited for perennial beds, so they do not get dug up accidentally.


Scilla comes in mainly blue varieties, however, there are white ones also. These flower stems will grow up to 10 inches resembling loosely blooming violets. Related to the lily family, the plant goes dormant by summer.

Grape Hyacinths

Hyacinths are beautiful plants growing around a foot tall. Colors are blue, white, red, pink, and now yellow. Over a period of 3 years, plants bloom themselves out so need to be replanted. Grape hyacinths (Muscari) look like a tiny cluster of grapes either in purple or white, 6 to 8 inches tall. These plants naturalize readily.

Reticulated iris

Reticulated iris are grown from bulbs and not rhizomes like a regular iris. They bloom in late March with 6-inch flower stalks in many colors. These plants like most bulbs should be planted in clusters for the most impact.

Fringe Tulips

Everyone knows about tulips coming in every color depending on the variety blooming from the first of April to the end of May. Heights vary from 1 foot to 2 feet.

With all spring bulbs do not remove the foliage after blooming until it yellows. Bulbs are good for rock gardens, under trees, perennial beds, and annual beds with annuals planted around the undisturbed bulbs.