Category: Landscaping

Weeping Mulberry

Many of us that plant shrubs and trees, anything that will take the heat of summers and the cold of winters. While that is the main consideration, there are others like leaf color, growth habit, fruit, and so on. A…

Weeping Trees and Shrubs

Landscaping with weeping trees and shrubs should always be considered. Since they will attract the attention of the viewer, they should be planted in the background with other plants around them. The picture of the full-grown weeping willow next to…

Putting in a Rock Garden

Putting in a rock garden is fairly easy especially after the first few steps. The garden can be as big or small as you want and be placed anywhere in the landscape where you want it. Maybe in a dull…

Ugly Areas Around the Home or Yard

Everyone has ugly areas around the home or yard. Instead of living with them, hide them. Whether garbage cans, AC units, utility boxes, or an unsightly garden shed, here are some ideas. If you are cramped for space, there are…

Using Stone and Rocks in your Landscaping

Using stone and rocks in your landscaping gives the area another interesting element. This is called hardscaping, using a material other than living plants. The term rock is much bigger than a stone which is smoother due to weathering. I…

Hide a Propane Tank

Tired of looking at that propane tank in your backyard? The easiest way to hide it is to create a flowerbed around it. Use some stepping stones they can have room to refill it. Use easy-to-grow plants like daylilies, peonies,…

Walkway Lights

Why would someone want to install walkway lights? When you tripped when young, everyone would point and laugh. Now everyone comes running to ask if you want an ambulance. I wanted something to light the way to my front door…

Gargoyles for Home Protection

The concept of gargoyles for home protection comes from medieval Europe and was designed as statutes looking down from cathedrals and churches. The myth of the gargoyle is it offers protection against evil, even if some of the early ones…

Garden Art

Is your garden missing something? You might want to incorporate some garden art into it. Make a statement can bring everything together creating a conversation whether it is a fountain, gazing globe, or a homemade, personal item. I place something…

Backyard Fence Canvas

The backyard fence is like a canvas and you are the painter. No doubt, you can paint the fence any color. How about decorating the fence as a focal point in the yard?You can hang a large mirror up or…

Using Mulches for Landscaping

Using mulches for landscaping reduces many problems. Group plants together and use a mulch to reduce weed growth, hold in water, protect your plants from heaving in the winter, prevent erosion, and of course, gives your beds a refined look.…

Silver Lace Vine

Choosing a vine for the garden is a tricky business. The perfect vine would be one that is beautiful, easy to grow and stops at the end of the trellis. The stopping part – or perhaps more accurately failing to…