Ugly Areas Around the Home or Yard

Everyone has ugly areas around the home or yard. Instead of living with them, hide them. Whether garbage cans, AC units, utility boxes, or an unsightly garden shed, here are some ideas.

If you are cramped for space, there are plastic or wooden garden chest that you can quickly throw in the hoses, sprinklers, or garden tools. Larger units will hide the garbage containers so they do not blow down the street. An old antique basin is an excellent place to rolled a hose into.

For the central air units, a simple privacy screen place in front of it also will cut down on the noise. You can build a fence around it or like in my instance, plant shrubs around the unit. Better to look at spring blooms and fall foliage than the unit itself. Just make sure your air conditioner has enough air circulation area.

As for the utility meters, you can paint them the same color as your home. Place a fence or trellis up and grow a vine on it like honeysuckle or clematis.

Now for those disgusting PVC pipes or water heads, place a garden sculpture or fake rock over them. There are hollow birdbaths that will improve this problem.

If you do not want someone to notice an area of your backyard like a clothesline, create a barrier of 6 to 8-foot shrubs or a line of planter boxes. Maybe a fenced screen is a way to go.

Garden sheds are hard to hide. You can makeover the shed by putting in some annual or perennial beds. Try placing planter boxes under the windows, if no windows, put up a fake one.