This Week in the Garden (August 6th)

Powdery mildew fungus on a squash leaf.

This week in the garden, let’s start with powdery mildew that is starting to affect certain plants like squash vines. It looks like talcum powder sprinkled on the leaves. This fungus can attack most plants, especially lilacs, but rarely does any damage and shrubs or trees. I do use a fungicide like Daconil on my vining vegetable this time of year with another application after any rains to prevent infestations on summer and winter squash.

Blister beetles.

People in the country have noticed black or dark grey beetles eating certain flowers and vegetables. These are blister beetles usually coming from grazing land or alfalfa fields after being cut. They get their name from a secretion that will cause blisters if crushed or handled. Rarely do they cause much damage.

Tomato hornworm on a tomato plant.

The insect that will cause damage is the tomato hornworm. You may go out to your tomatoes and find a lot of the leaves that have been eaten. Look closely and you will find a green caterpillar the size of your pinky finger. It is easiest to pick them off the plant. These caterpillars will pupate into the large sphinx moth you see fluttering around now on the flowers.

Hedge balls in a bushel basket in a grocery store.

I have seen hedge balls being sold the last time in Pierre. They are the large non-edible fruit from the Osage orange tree. The wood was made into bows and baseball bats. The tree has been used around orchards as a trained hedge to eat critters away. Now the oil in the seeds is used in cosmetics. People use them for spider control in homes claiming they repel spiders and cockroaches away. SDSU rather busted this myth. While some oils in the fruit can act as a repellant, they had to extract and concentrate those oils to have any benefit. Using a border insecticide long-lasting spray around the home like Home Defense Spray will do much more in repelling insects.

Aster yellows affecting a white coneflower..

Aster yellows have been showing up in my asters this year. The first time I tried annual asters and ended up with only 50% of a crop. This is a bacteria spread by mainly leaf hoppers. This bacterium can also infect calendula, petunia, zinnia, mum, cosmos, marigold, coneflower, and other flowers. The symptoms are a stunted plant with brown edges on the leaves and odd-looking flowers. The only remedy is to remove the plant immediately to prevent the infection from going to other plants.

Keep deadheading (flower removal) of your flowerbed and containers. This keeps the flowers producing through the heat of summer into fall. I am deadheading calendulas and Mexican sunflowers every other day, fortunately, I planted just of few of these plants. Zinnia, cosmos, and marigold need weekly deadheading.

This is the time to prepare your soil to plant a lawn into. Spray the area with Roundup to kill everything. Rototill and smooth the ground and plant the grass seed. For shady areas buy a grass mix with fine fescue seed.

This Week in the Garden (Aug. 2nd)

Picture of a Japanese Beetle on a leaf

This week in the garden, it seems a new pest is coming to our area. This is the Japanese beetle which will lay eggs on grass. The eggs hatch and feed on grass roots then hatch into adults. Like grasshoppers, they will eat most crops, especially corn. Fortunately, they have only been found in the eastern part of South Dakota. Their numbers have remained low. You may see the traps around monitoring any activity.

Western Cicada on a tree branch

You may have heard the buzzing mating call of the cicadas in trees last week. The old adage is 6 weeks till frost, hopefully not true. The cicada life cycle in our state varies from 2-5 years, not the 17-year cicada back in the eastern USA. This insect rarely does any damage to the trees.

Wilted tomato plant due to overwatering

I got a few questions about plants in containers wilting and dying, however, they get watered every day. Plants wilt and die from no water or too much water especially if there is no drainage hole in the pot. Constantly wet soil reduces oxygen in the soil killing the root of the plants and causing wilting. Let the top few inches of the soil dry out before watering.

Field cricket

Now to the invasion of crickets. I am finding a lot of crickets around the house. In the flower beds and garden, crickets are usually not a problem. But in the home, I am looking under the stove and refrigerator spraying Raid beneath everything to kill the insect. After a few hours, I found it was on top of the refrigerator, how it got there, I do not know. I know it is dead now. To prevent them from coming into the home, use a foundation insecticide. Spray up on the home a few feet and out from the foundation. Turning off the exterior lights around the house helps.

Fertilize your annual flowers and garden one more time. Do not fertilize any trees, shrubs, or roses, allow them to enter their dormant period.

Ymker Greenhouse will have trees and shrubs throughout the summer. The best time to plant a woody plant is in late summer up to 6 weeks before the soil freezes. Keep newly planted woody plants damp allowing them to dry out the top few inches of soil before watering again. A mulch around the tree will help, keep the mulch away from the truck a couple of inches.

Do not forget the Mid Dakota Fair is going on in Winner, SD at the fairgrounds. From Wednesday through Saturday check out their exhibits.

Designing A Beautiful Home Made Easy by Karyn Winrich

Remodeled kitchen in white
Photo by Pexels

As homeowners, we all want to have the perfect home. But over time, our homes can become outdated and in need of a little TLC. However, there are some simple and creative ways to revive and refresh your home without breaking the bank in designing a beautiful made easy. In this article from Shippy Realty & Auction, we’ll go over some practical and inspiring ideas that will give your home the facelift it deserves.

Set Up A Backsplash

The kitchen is the heart of the home, and adding a colorful backsplash is a great way to give it a fresh look. With so many options available, you can choose a design that suits your taste and personality. Whether it’s classic subway tile or a unique pattern, a backsplash is an affordable way to give your kitchen a new lease of life.

Upgrade Your Bedding

Investing in new bedding is a great way to revamp your bedroom’s style and overall comfort. High-quality bedding made from soft and breathable materials can improve your sleep quality while also elevating the look of your space. For those who love to switch up their decor frequently, a two-sided duvet with designs that can change according to mood is an excellent choice. If you want to add a touch of personality to your bedroom, this deserves a look. This versatile option allows you to create different looks for your room without having to buy new bedding repeatedly.

Transform A Wall with Removable Wallpaper

An accent wall can really transform a room. But if you’re not quite ready to commit to painting, consider using removable wallpaper or decals. They are easy to install, come in a variety of styles, and can be changed in a matter of minutes. Plus, they won’t damage your walls.

Create Your Dream Home Office

As more people work from home, it’s important to have a comfortable and well-designed home office. Consider swapping out your old office chair for an ergonomic one to support your back and neck. Get more natural light by moving your desk closer to a window or investing in a daylight lamp. A well-designed home office is not only functional but will also boost your productivity.

Change Up Old Fixtures

It’s amazing how much of a difference updating your light switches, faucets, and cabinet handles can make. Opt for sleek and modern designs that will add a touch of elegance to your home. It’s a small investment that will go a long way.

Brighten A Room With Mirrors

Mirrors are a secret weapon in interior design. They can brighten up a room, making it feel larger and more spacious. By strategically placing mirrors, you can reflect natural light and create the illusion of extra space. Whether it’s a full-length mirror or a decorative one, consider adding one to your home.

Invest In Closet Organizers

One of the biggest home challenges is that closet space is often limited. However, there are ways to optimize your closet space and make it work for you. Invest in closet organizers and shoe racks to keep your space tidy and functional. Utilize vertical space by adding hanging organizers and extra shelves.

With these creative ideas, reviving and refreshing your home has never been easier. You don’t have to be an interior designer or spend a fortune to make your home feel new again. By making small changes and adding personal touches, you can create a space that is not only functional but also beautiful. So, get started today and give your home the makeover it deserves!

For real estate services in South Dakota and Nebraska, contact Shippy Realty & Auction today!

The author of the article is Karyn Winrich at [email protected]