Tired of looking at that propane tank in your backyard?

The easiest way to hide it is to create a flowerbed around it. Use some stepping stones they can have room to refill it. Use easy-to-grow plants like daylilies, peonies, with some taller plants like castor beans or sunflowers to give the area a layered look.

Place potting containers around the propane tank. Use galvanized stock tanks that you painted. This gives your planting height and can be moved around for best effect.

Use a trellis to hide the tank leaving an area to get into it. Plant some annual or perennial vines in front and on the sides like clematis, hops, and runner beans. Just place the corner poles in a cement footing to stabilize the trellis.

If you do not want to go to the trouble in planting, just place an old fashioned picket fence up.
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