Cosmos Flower

Cosmos flower is an all-purpose cottage plant. Depending on the variety, they grow from 1 foot to 6 feet tall. They make particularly good cut flowers, filler plants among perennials, and use as a bedding plant for mass plantings.

They are easily grown from seed or planted indoors and planted after frost. This annual flower grows fast and have very little problems with insects or diseases. The only problem I have had is the taller varieties with their hollow stems break or topple over in a strong wind. I grow them close together so they support each other.

Red Seashell Cosmos

They originate in Mexico and brought over to Spain in the 1700s. They grew popular in England (thus the name cottage flower) and brought to America from Britain.  This late start in America is why cosmos was late in being cultivated here. The word โ€œcosmosโ€ is Greek for beautiful.