Chamomile Plants

Chamomile plants are known for the relaxing tea in which the flower blossoms have seeped. As a flowering plant, they add beauty to any area they are growing. I grow some in a large pot and let the seeds germinate up the walk to the house. They self-seed in the oddest of areas, however, always add a perk of white and yellow wherever they are growing. The blossoms attract bees to your location.

Chamomile plants in a container

Take a snip the flowers off the plant and dry on cookie sheets or old window screens. Seep the dried blossom in tea eggs for a bedtime tea.

There are two types of this aster related family: Roman which is a low growing perennial and German which is the upright annual that is more of the sweet apple tasting brew is for teas.

I start the seeds indoors, plant in May, and it blooms in mid-June. Cut back after the first bloom to generate a second bloom.

In Germany, chamomile was used as a lawn before grass was common. The plant was considered a healing herb in early England and used in most of the British gardens.