Tag: Weeds

Deadly Nightshade

This plant is popping up in gardens and people are wondering if it is a ground cherry.  This weed is called deadly nightshade and has toxic berries. The berries are sweet; however, it does not take many to get sick.…

Field Bindweed

All of us know what field bindweed is and this is the time of year it shows its white to pinkish flowers all over. I planted the garden on a field bindweed & thistle patch ten years ago and with…


I keep telling people that crabgrass should be our state weed. I do not know when this weed has been so prevalent. With the hot, dry days the lawns are going dormant but this is the weather that crabgrass thrives…

Perennial Weeds in the Flowerbed and Garden

With the spring rains and now the heat, many gardeners are having problems with perennial weeds in the flowerbed and garden like creeping Jenny (field bindweed) and thistles. The use of herbicides in the garden is not a choice, so…


A square stem weed is popping up (seemly overnight) in gardens and flowerbeds and shady areas around the yard. It is called bedstraw or catchweed. When you touch the weed, it feels sticky. This is because of the little Velcro-like…

Get Rid of Crabgrass in Your Lawn

Crabgrass is an annual grass with broad blades that are coarse, pointed and short. It doesn’t blend in with lawn grasses in color, habit or texture and can be very competitive. If left alone, it will invade your lawns, flowerbeds…

Dandelion Control

Most people think about trying to control their dandelions in the spring when they see them in bloom. However, this is not the best time to try to control them, particularly if they plan to use a broadleaf herbicide to…

Dandelions the Number One Weed

Dandelions are the number one weed that everyone has fought to get rid of this weed at one time or another. And, right now we are in the middle of dandelion bloom season. They are very adaptable to the types…