Field Bindweed

All of us know what field bindweed is and this is the time of year it shows its white to pinkish flowers all over. I planted the garden on a field bindweed & thistle patch ten years ago and with mulch, carpet, and hoeing it out when I see it, I am slowly starving the weeds out. WINNING!

The problem this time of year is the dry lawns. You noticed the spring green lawns have given way to the white-flowered weeds. This shows especially this year being dry and hot, and the water costs are high so many have let the lawn go dormant.

What to do now? Seeds of bindweed are viable in the soil for 30 years and their roots go down over 20 feet so digging is not an option. In the garden and flowerbed, keep hoeing them out, do not let them flower. On the lawn, spot spray on a cool, windless day to prevent flowers from setting seed. In the fall hit the lawn with a liquid lawn weed killer with a 2,4-D based herbicide sometime in October for the best kill.

We all know the other common name of bindweed is creeping jenny. This gets confused with the trailing greenhouse annual plant called creeping jenny. Bindweed is in the morning glory family.

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