Old Kitchen Table and Chairs

If you are getting tired of your old kitchen table and chairs, try giving them a new look. Sanding, 2 coats of primer, and applying 2 coats of new paint will refreshen any set. Do not be afraid of colors, red and white, yellow and brown, or green and black.

The distressed look is being popular, where the table looks old and unpainted. This can be done with chalk paint giving the wood a weathered look.

If your kitchen is too small for a regular set, use a smaller table with two chairs by your kitchen window. Decorate it with a small flower vase or cookbooks.

Use a center island table with drop leaves to save space. You will have a preparation area and when you want to eat, pull up the sides. Some have shelving for dishes and glasses for extra storage. They make a good place to do homework.

Remember the kitchen table and chairs are to look casual, unlike the more formal dining room set.