Caring for a Poinsettia

Caring for a poinsettia is pretty easy once you get the hang of it! They love bright, indirect sunlight, so a sunny spot near a window is perfect. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight because it can burn the leaves. A south, east, or west-facing window works best. When it comes to temperature, poinsettias do well in 65°F to 75°F, which is just room temperature for most homes. Make sure it’s not in a drafty spot or anywhere too cold—nothing below 50°F, please!

For watering, you don’t need to go overboard. Water your poinsettia when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. It’s super important that the pot has good drainage, so the water doesn’t sit at the bottom and cause root rot so remove the foil wrapper. And remember to empty any excess water from the saucer afterward. Poinsettias also like a bit of humidity, so if the air is dry (especially in winter), consider putting a humidifier nearby. You also can place the plant on a tray filled with pebbles and water—just make sure the pot doesn’t sit in the water!

During the growing season, you can feed your poinsettia with a balanced fertilizer every 2-3 weeks to help it grow strong and healthy. But once it starts blooming, you can skip the fertilizer. After the holiday season, cut it back to about 4-6 inches in spring to encourage fresh growth. If you want it to bloom again next year, in the fall, give it 12-14 hours of darkness each day to help trigger the next round of colorful bracts (the fancy red leaves).

If you see yellowing leaves, it might be a sign of overwatering, or maybe it just needs better drainage. Dropping leaves can happen if the plant is stressed, so check if it’s too dry or cold. And if the colorful bracts start to fade, try moving it to a brighter spot! With a little love, your poinsettia can last for months and may even bloom again next year!