Making the Basic Candle

Making the basic candle takes three ingredients which are wax, wick, and container.

The first step is to place the wick into the container putting a weight on the bottom so it does not float up. You can use an old candle container instead of throwing it away. Then heat the wax gently, some people use an old crockpot. Lastly, gently pour the melted wax into the container and let set. Trim the wick to size.

The types of wax you can use are paraffin, beeswax, and soy wax. Paraffin is colorless and odorless which makes using color and scents easy. Beeswax has been around since ancient times but is more expensive. It does not have petroleum byproducts that wax has. Soy wax is cheaper but does not take color well.

You can buy candle dyes in almost any color. They come in liquid which you only use a few drops per pound of wax. and powder.

If you wish to add a scent, there are fragrant oils to use. The most popular are citrus, floral, and berry.

Most know the soft wicks, however, there are wooden wicks. These wicks provide a crackling sound of a campfire. They also will burn cleaner and longer.