How Hard Can it Be

Heard a story of a person who decided to install a ceiling fan all by himself because “how hard can it be?” He confidently told everyone he watched a YouTube video, so naturally, he was now a certified electrician.

Step one went well—he managed to remove the old light fixture. Step two? Well, that’s where things got interesting. While wiring the new fan, he “forgot” to turn off the power. Cue the inevitable zap, a yelp that sounded like a startled cat, and a spectacular drop of every tool in his hand.

But he pressed on! Fan finally installed, he flipped the switch, and—success! The fan started spinning! Too bad he didn’t check the clearance. The very first rotation of the fan blades shredded the top of his prized “lucky hat,” sending bits of fabric flying around the room like confetti.

The kicker? He said, “It’s okay, the hat took one for the team,” while the fan wobbled so violently it looked like it was trying to escape the ceiling.

A professional eventually came in and fixed the disaster—for double the original cost. But hey, the man learned a valuable lesson: DIY doesn’t always mean “Do It Yourself.” Sometimes, it’s “Don’t Injure Yourself.”

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