The Fairy Rose

My favorite rose (and the only one that survives) is the Fairy Rose is a Polyantha which means it has many clusters of blooms and there are many sub-varieties. 

 It is a low growing shrub which is absolutely smothered in blooms from spring right through to autumn. It grows to about 2 or 3 feet in height and spreads up to 4 feet in width, so when you put it in, give it plenty of room.

It has a slight fragrance, but its blooms make up for that. Each cluster of blossoms always has shades of rose pink, pale pink and white as each flower head goes through its birth to death phases. This may mean a lot of deadheading, depending on your taste, but I never had to deadhead mine even once, except after the flowers finished. Some pictures show up a lot of dead blooms, but I never saw that many on my bush. This rose is very prickly – its only downside. So just wear thick gloves when working with it.

It is resistant to rust, powdery mildew and even black spot (ideal for South Dakota). It is also shade tolerant; ideal for at the base of a tree or in a corner (although it must have good air circulation around its base, like all roses).

The Fairy Rose needs very little attention. It is hardy, drought and disease resistant and blooms ‘as if it meant it’. Wherever you put it, it asks for only one thing: good drainage. Like all roses, they hate wet feet. It loves a good organic or compost mulch, and if you must give it fertilizer, use a slow release, occasionally. Early pruning after the flowering season will promote new growth and deadheading will extend the life of the flowers well into autumn.