Category: Real Estate

Generator for your Home

With the last blizzard, we had that left some people without power, maybe it is time to think about investing in a generator for your home. The ideal generator for the whole house is called a standby generator. This will…

House Hunting

By Karyn Winrich Need to Move While Starting a New Business? It Can Be Done! Starting a new business is a huge undertaking, and without having to move at the same time, which can make the whole process even…

All American Selections of 2023

All American Selections of 2023 winners are judged on toughness, disease resistance, and uniqueness from many varieties. Here are the vegetable winners: Starting with Pepper Cayenne Wildcat F1 a cayenne pepper with thicker walls than other varieties. Produces a sweet,…

7 Common Real Estate Document Problems

7 Common Real Estate Document Problems By Karen Winrich @ Financial Literacy (ย  Buying a home might seem like a test of your patience  โ€” if youโ€™re tired of touring multiple homes, talking to your agent, and juggling the influx…

Wood Deck looking Old and Rough

Is that wood deck looking old and rough going into winter? It might be time now to refresh the look of your tired deck by staining or painting. Staining is by far the easiest method to use. Stains come in…

Resin Surfacing has Become Popular Recently

Resin surfacing has become popular recently after coming over from England and Ireland. This is a process of mixed colored gravel with epoxy for driveways, paths, and patio surfaces. They provide good traction when wet, the water through (depending on…

Wood Cooking

There is nothing like using wood when you are grilling. Wood cooking goes back to the stone age. Now it has become an art. Using different types of woods gives different flavors to what you are cooking or smoking. Like…

Winterburn in Evergreens

I am getting a few evergreen questions with similar problems. My tree is an arborvitae that is turning brown on the south side.ย  What is happening? It may be winterburn in evergreens. The fancy term is winter desiccation. A lot…

Interior Paint Colors for 2022

Interior paint colors for 2022 are becoming much bolder hopefully coming out on the other side of the pandemic. People are looking for bright and uplifting colors natural colors. Not saying that the soothing neutrals of whites and light browns…

Outdoor Grilling Station

The most common outdoor grilling station is one made of concrete or patio blocks sitting on a wood patio or wooden one. It can have an overhead roof with a patio table and chairs. You can make it as cheap…

Outdoor Grilling Station

The most common outdoor grilling station is one made of concrete or patio blocks sitting on a wood patio or wooden one. It can have an overhead roof with a patio table and chairs. You can make it as cheap…

Making the Basic Candle

Making the basic candle takes three ingredients which are wax, wick, and container. The first step is to place the wick into the container putting a weight on the bottom so it does not float up. You can use an…

Heating Your Garage

Maybe it is time to consider heating your garage if you do not already do. There are several types of heaters to be used in an attached or detached garage. A radiant (infrared) heater heats the objects that are near…

Poinsettia as a Gift

Now you received a poinsettia as a gift, now how do you care for it? Give it bright light (a sunny window if not too hot) and keep out of cold areas like drafts. The biggest problem you may have…

Christmas Tradition

Decorating your home both indoors and outdoors is an old Christmas tradition. Since you can not buy fresh winter boughs anymore, look in your backyard. A variety of winter greenery can be found in your yard along with other interesting…