Category: Gardening & Landscape

Hardening Off

Ever bought plants from a greenhouse and transplanted them to your garden just to have them die a couple of days later? The plants from a sheltered greenhouse were not able to withstand the full sun of drying winds, they…

Wind Spinners

Wind spinners can be a do-it-yourself project or a high-dollar piece of art. Using one in the backyard gives motion to the area giving a calm feeling. The wind or breeze is now something you can see. In the garden,…

Neem Oil

Neem Oil pic

There is a โ€œnewโ€ product making its way to the garden shelves called Neem oil or Neem oil extract. Actually, Neem oil has been around for thousands of years, however, is entering the garden area. It comes from the Neem…

Two Shrub Pests

Last year there were two shrub pests and now is the time to control them. One is the honeysuckle aphid, a small black and white aphid that attacks the plant early and leaves twisted leaves and dead twigs. The damage…

Good Shade Tree

Looking for a good shade tree for the backyard without any hassles? There are many proven trees that you can grow starting with the common hackberry. A medium-growing shade tree getting around 55 feet tall and 35 feet spread. The…

Spring Blooming Dutch Bulbs

The earliest flowers in the spring are the spring blooming Dutch bulbs. Many blooms thru the snow. Snow crocus have already bloomed and now to the jumbo crocus, early tulips, and snowdrops. While many of these flowers are small, they…

Season Extenders

I used to plant everything in the garden the second week in May. Trying to get everything done in May was impossible. So, lately, I have started to plant much earlier. Last weekend I planted radish and spinach seeds. These…

Any type of Container will make a Flowerpot

Any type of container will make a flowerpot. The bigger the better because the soil will not dry out as fast. The trend is to use old farm containers like buckets and wringer washing machines and plant flowers into them.…

Get the Lawn Looking Nice

What do I do to get the lawn looking nice this spring? If you have thatch (a layer of dead material beneath the grass on the ground over ยฝ thick), rake the dead material up and remove it. You can…

Pruning Shrubs

Let us talk about pruning shrubs (multiple stemmed woody plants). There are two types of shrubs: ones that bloom on old wood (lilacs) and ones that bloom on new wood. For the ones that bloom on old wood (usually early…

Several Types of Peas

Soon we will be planting cold season crops like peas. Peas originated in southeast Asia went to China and was brought back to Europe thru trade. It was not until 1940 that peas become a staple in North America. But…

Remove Dead Branch of a Tree

How is the proper way to remove a dead, dying, or diseased branch or limb of a tree? It will take three cuts. The first one is to go around 2 feet from the trunk and cut ยฝ through the…

Organic Garden Seeds

You will find organic garden seeds available this spring at a higher price. Are organic seeds better than regular seeds? My answer is no. The plants producing the seed, say lettuce, use nitrogen after the soil microorganisms break the chemical…

Newer Different Vegetables

There are some newer different vegetables that are notable for this year. If they have not made it into your seed selection yet, you may want to add them. Many have planted spinach to be disappointed when its bolts (sending…

Light System to Raise the Plants

If you want to start a few garden vegetables or flowers indoors this year, you will need some form of light system to raise the plants until you are ready to set them outdoors. If you start plants in March,…