Category: Gardening & Landscape

Savoy Cabbage

This cabbage type is called a savoy cabbage type. They have the puckered leaves and looser heads. It is a milder and lighter texture than the regular green and red types of cabbage. So, what is the advantage of growing…

Ugly Areas Around the Home or Yard

Everyone has ugly areas around the home or yard. Instead of living with them, hide them. Whether garbage cans, AC units, utility boxes, or an unsightly garden shed, here are some ideas. If you are cramped for space, there are…

Marshmallow Plant

A new plant this year, the marshmallow plant which is related to the hollyhock. Grown as an annual reaching 4 to 5 feet with hollyhock-like blooms. The candy origin comes from this plant. The ancient Egyptians boiled the root to…

Three “Bugs” in Gardens this Week

Three โ€œbugsโ€ are showing up in gardens this week. One is the cabbage butterfly. It is a white butterfly with a couple of black spots on the wings. The butterfly is harmless; however, they lay eggs on cabbage, broccoli, and…

Using Stone and Rocks in your Landscaping

Using stone and rocks in your landscaping gives the area another interesting element. This is called hardscaping, using a material other than living plants. The term rock is much bigger than a stone which is smoother due to weathering. I…

Two Problems are Happening in Tomatoes

Two problems are happening in tomatoes right now. One is leaf spot diseases whether early blight or Septoria (both are caused by fungi). Things to incorporate in your routine are to stake or use tomato cages to keep the plants…

Hide a Propane Tank

Tired of looking at that propane tank in your backyard? The easiest way to hide it is to create a flowerbed around it. Use some stepping stones they can have room to refill it. Use easy-to-grow plants like daylilies, peonies,…

Vining Plants

Whether you want an ugly fence covered or adding a focal point using vining plants. My favorite vine for quickly covering a large fence is hops. It is a green vine without noticeable flowers, however, having cute papery hops. A…


I keep telling people that crabgrass should be our state weed. I do not know when this weed has been so prevalent. With the hot, dry days the lawns are going dormant but this is the weather that crabgrass thrives…

Tomato Leaves Curling

I have received many questions about tomato leaves curling. The most common reason for this during this time of the year is environmental. It even has its own name: physiological leaf roll. The plant is growing rapidly and the roots…


Calendula gets its name from the Romans in that the plant blooms every month of the year in warmer climates. In the early history of the plant, it was grown as an herb in easing headaches, toothaches, and fevers. You…

Perennial Weeds in the Flowerbed and Garden

With the spring rains and now the heat, many gardeners are having problems with perennial weeds in the flowerbed and garden like creeping Jenny (field bindweed) and thistles. The use of herbicides in the garden is not a choice, so…

Planting a Tree

When planting a tree or shrub that is grown in a container, do not dig and amend a large hole. The tree thinks it has been transplanted into a larger pot. The roots will grow in the kinder soil and…