Admit it: your house might not be the dumpiest on the street, but it could probably use a little pick-me-up. It doesn’t take much to spruce up your house and add a little extra curb appeal, especially through container gardening.…
A few things to be concerned about in the landscape/garden, starting with any shrubs or tree branches that have not leafed out should be pruned to a live stem or branch. If the shrubs produce canes, prune them to the…
Moonflower gardens are becoming more popular in the last few years, maybe we are spending more time at night in our backyards. But what is a Moon Garden? It is a group of white flowering plants that seemly glow in…
Next week is supposed to have night temperatures above 40 for a change. Maybe it is time to start thinking about gardening. This weekend is supposed to be cold so maybe I will see if the mower and rototiller are…
I remember my mother would plant her garden by the phases of the moon. I have never been a convert for moon phase gardening. My method has been if I have time to plant between wind, snow, soil temperature, or…
When you are outside, look around to assess the damage to trees and shrubs caused by the heavy snow and rabbit damage. The biggest mistake is cutting at the point of the damage and leaving the rest of the stump.…
Do you love any plants that are weeds? The definition of a weed is a plant growing out of place. A very long time ago, I planted a wildflower mix which did well for the first two years. Then the…
Think this year about planting an outside herb garden. It can be part of your garden or flowerbed or in grouped containers on your deck accessible for home cooking. Anyplace with more sun than shade is good. You can buy…
Sunday I looked out the window and saw the ground in the southwest corner of the garden. Granted the rest of the garden is covered with 2 feet of snow, but there is a promise that spring will come. Time…
Growing seeds indoors isn’t hard; it’s keeping them alive that can be challenging. You can save a lot of money by growing seeds depending on how large your planting beds are, but only if they live and turn into robust plants.…
Now is the time to think about spring lawn care. First, rake up the dead grass under the growing grass. This is called thatch and if it is ½ thick or greater, you want to remove it to allow better…
If you are a first-time gardener, these are some hard to grow vegetables to think twice about. Celery takes up a lot of water compared to other crops. Also, it likes cooler spring temperatures to properly mature. Some people blanch…
Go time to start thinking about what you want to grow in your garden this summer. Now is the time to order seeds because of a limited supply from the growers last year because of the heat and drought. I…
Some new “Proven Winner” shrubs, trees, and grasses for the year 2023 include: Sunjoy Orange Pillar Barberry boost neon orange foliage growing to a maximum of 4 feet with a 3-foot spread. Like with other barberries they have a lot…
This plant is popping up in gardens and people are wondering if it is a ground cherry. This weed is called deadly nightshade and has toxic berries. The berries are sweet; however, it does not take many to get sick.…