Things Happening this Week in the Landscape

Things happening this week in the landscape include the high number of moths flying around. There is not much you can do to eliminate them except for turning out any exterior lights and making sure there are no windows or doors open to your house at night. Also, pull the drape so the inside lights do not shine out for a couple of weeks. These moths will lay eggs which will hatch into the army cutworm. Hopefully, the garden and annual plants will be big enough to guard against this.

The cedar apple rust galls are showing up on the juniper trees now and will spread to the apple tree leaves. This will be the time to spray an all-purpose orchard spray on the tree leaves now, especially on young trees and older trees if they have a crop of young apples.

If you have a lawn grub problem, June is the time to apply grub control to the lawn. GrubX is a good granular product that can be scattered on the lawn by a fertilizer spreader. A higher mowing height and good lawn culture help prevent grub infestations. Dead areas in the lawn now are not caused by grubs but by winterkill.

Ticks are still a major problem especially if you go camping or areas of tall grass around your lawn. To prevent the little guys from crawling on you, use a product containing 30% Deet on your clothing. Higher Deet products do not mean they are better but will last longer. There is a 100% Deet product, however, it might be better to use a lower percentage and spray more often.

A lot of evergreens are showing winterkill on one side of the tree or shrub. See if new growth appears soon, if not, that area of the plant is dead.