Category: Gardening & Landscape

Safety with Manure in the Garden and Flowerbed

Manure in the garden has been a common culture for thousands of years. Using manure in the garden is an excellent fertilizer and soil conditioner. However, donโ€™t apply fresh manure to the soil in your fruit or vegetable garden. Even…

Houseplant Wellness for Your Home

Plants are a powerhouse of wellness for your home. They’ll provide you with a host of benefits, and they’ll make your house look great while doing it. Iโ€™ll admit, Iโ€™ve been kind of obsessed with this idea lately, and I…

Victorian Style Plants

With the hit show on PBS called Victoria (Queen Victoria of England), Victorian style is receiving a renewed interest now in our homes and landscaping. The Victorians were the first house plant enthusiasts, but their plants had to be hardy…

Perfect Houseplant: Flowering Maple

Want a houseplant that flowers every month without too much light? Focus on a flowering maple (Abutilon). There are many of these broad leaf species. The leaves for this plant are a small maple type dark green (some variegated), and…

Grow an Indoor Herb Garden this Winter

An indoor herb garden makes fresh flavor convenient throughout the winter. Deep in January and February, between the snow, ice, cold temperatures and grey days, it can feel like spring will never come. To help brighten the long days, there…

Do not Forget the Winter Garden Interest

In late fall, with beds full of worn out perennials and annuals, sad but resolute gardeners often bid farewell to their color-filled gardens and turn their attention to the fall clean-up. The talk turns to the beautiful autumnal leaves, while…

Helianthus (the perfect perennial)

Perennial Sunflowerย  Helianthus Probably one of the most-loved flower, sunflower is a long-time favorite for borders and for bouquets because of their huge blossoms. While not quite as large as its annual cousin, the perennial sunflower makes up for what…

Shrubs for Winter Interest

Everyone has their opinion of what makes something a joy to the eye. In winter everything is finely edited by our cold weather and killing frosts and further focused when snowfall covers the landscape, but that only means we have…

Deter Deer

Today my quest is for a natural pest control method to deter deer from devouring my gardens, preferably without sophisticated fencing or expensive pest control services. Or by enrolling in a weaponry class. I jest. Sort of. The first time…

Favorite Marigold

Marigold has an old variety called Victorian (spun orange) marigold. It is an extra-large, attractive, super-double flowers with tubular petals. The color is a pleasing, clear orange rather than the harsh orange-brown so often seen in African marigolds. Plants are…

Powdery Mildew

If your plants’ leaves have a white or gray dust on them, powdery mildew is probably attacking your garden. It’s a common disease, and different strains of powdery mildew attack a wide range of plants. This problem usually occurs toward…

Dandelion Control

Most people think about trying to control their dandelions in the spring when they see them in bloom. However, this is not the best time to try to control them, particularly if they plan to use a broadleaf herbicide to…

Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

Your yard is an important part of your home; you use it for hosting parties, spending a quiet evening after work and even for attracting wildlife. In any case, most homeowners like to maintain backyard and front yard privacy. So…