Category: Gardening & Landscape

Do What I Say, Not What I Do

It is winter, so I’m constantly reminded of good garden practices that I fail to follow through on. Maybe a public confession here, of what I know I should be doing. “What I should have done” is my garden motto.…

One Tough Shrub

Are you are looking for a shrub that easy to grow, drought tolerant, winter-cold resistant, and mostly insect, rodent, and deer, that comes in a variety of leaf and flower colors?  Sounds impossible, try the ninebark (Phyysocarpus-genus)   Commonly named…

Wild Turkey in Hiding

It happened Sunday morning as I notice the dogs looking out the east windows. I happened to glance through the window that looks over the back yard when, from the corner of my eye, I briefly saw a large brown…

My Dark Side of Gardening

I have a dark side. I’m ruthless when I must. I don’t like admitting this even if it is a character trait that’s admired in some quarters — sport, business, shopping, but in the garden? Sadly, yes. To be a…