Category: Gardening & Landscape

Drip Irrigation System

A drip irrigation system allows water to be dispersed along the base and roots of the plants instead of using overhead sprinklers. My mother used a drip system which was digging trenches with a hoe along the plants with bisecting…

Bachelor Button Flower

Bachelor Button flower in the garden, I have been growing these ever since I was a little boy. Mother bought a Gurney seed packet for kids and this was one of the seeds in it. The bachelor button flower grows…

Dill the Herb

Everyone knows what dill the herb is, however, A blue foliage plant called ‘Dukat’ has more leaves than the regular plant and is used more for ornamental uses slower to seed. The leaves have a strong flavor and high oil…

Tomato leaf spots Diseases

Tomatoes leaf spots will be starting on the lower leaves and working their way up the plant. The main cause of this is fungi causing Septoria, early blight, and late blight. These are worse in wet, humid weather. The best…

Tents of Caterpillars

I am noticing tents of caterpillars in fruit trees and other trees now. The adult moth lays eggs in a crotch of trees and the little caterpillars start spinning a web around the congregation. As they grow the tent becomes…


A square stem weed is popping up (seemly overnight) in gardens and flowerbeds and shady areas around the yard. It is called bedstraw or catchweed. When you touch the weed, it feels sticky. This is because of the little Velcro-like…

3 Basic Steps to Improving your Lawn

What will you do if you are thinking my lawn is not as nice as the lawn down the street? Many people over-think this, however, there are 3 basic steps to improving your lawn. The first thing is to fertilize…

Gargoyles for Home Protection

The concept of gargoyles for home protection comes from medieval Europe and was designed as statutes looking down from cathedrals and churches. The myth of the gargoyle is it offers protection against evil, even if some of the early ones…


With flowerpots, bigger is better. They do not dry out as fast and they hold more types of plants for larger root growth making for a dazzling display. The pot must have a drainage hole, so the roots do not…

Spring is Tough for Gardeners

Spring is tough for gardeners in South Dakota. We get the twitch when temperatures get to the upper 70’s and think it could not possibly freeze now. But how wrong we are forgetting the last frost date is usually May…

Garden Art

Is your garden missing something? You might want to incorporate some garden art into it. Make a statement can bring everything together creating a conversation whether it is a fountain, gazing globe, or a homemade, personal item. I place something…

Browning of Needles in Pine Trees

People are noticing a browning of needles in their pine trees. If these needles are behind last season’s growth, do not panic, it is natural needle cast. If the browning is affecting last year’s growth and we can rule out…

Backyard Fence Canvas

The backyard fence is like a canvas and you are the painter. No doubt, you can paint the fence any color. How about decorating the fence as a focal point in the yard?You can hang a large mirror up or…

Growing Tomatoes

In growing tomatoes, there are some things that people do not tell you about. First, there are two different types of tomatoes, indeterminate and determinate varieties. Indeterminate types produce tomatoes thru the season while the determinate ones produce tomatoes faster…

Using Mulches for Landscaping

Using mulches for landscaping reduces many problems. Group plants together and use a mulch to reduce weed growth, hold in water, protect your plants from heaving in the winter, prevent erosion, and of course, gives your beds a refined look.…