Missing the sound of running water from a stream in your backyard. Don’t have enough room for a little stream, try a garden fountain. You can buy a kit or make your own.

All you need is a basin to hold water that sits on the surface or level to the ground level. Use a waterproof basin that holds at least a couple of feet of water. That way you will not have to fill it up as often compared to a small depth. A water screen around the pump will protect the pump from debris like dead leaves and algae.

Get a fountain pump that can be placed in the water. They are measured as a gallon per hour or the height of the water being pumped. Do not get too small of one that will not push the water to the desired height.

You can use plastic tubing or copper pipe to get the water from the pump to where you want the water to come out. Use plants and rock to decorate.
I like the fountains that provide running water over the ones that produce a fine spray. The wind takes the spray and will drain your water basin in a hurry.