Design trends come and go over time. They often reflect the “times” of how we feel and think. Since this year has been unpredictable and rather depressing, we tend to seek comfort in our homes. So, design trends 2021 are going back to comfort and predictably as in our grandparents’ home.
So, think “old school” making space more inviting and comfortable. Overstuffed traditional sofas and chairs in your home. A chair you can curl up and read a book or watch television.
Light-colored wood is replacing darker colors. Light-colored wood like dining room chairs and table gives the space a feeling of a larger room. These lighter woods give way to more paint colors whether light or dark.
As for the wallpaper, it is grandma chic. Floral prints, heavy curtains, and lace throw. Make to more modern by adding contemporary prints.
The older color trend has been neutral colors with a bold accent wall. Now the trend is going to a bold, natural color for all the walls and ceiling. These go back to mid-century color styles.
Remember the two words describing 2021 trends: comfort and minimal.
I was asked what vegetables a beginning gardener should not plant. One of the harder plants to grow is cauliflower. It has a longer growing season, however, head in cooler weather. Most plant varieties like to be blanched, tying of leaves to keep the sunlight away from the flowerhead so it stays white and non-bitter. Cabbage worms will be a nuisance.
Celery requires a lot of moisture with a long growing season up to 120 from seed. So, you need to start plants indoors or buy transplants. As the plant matures it requires cooler temperatures to prevent bitterness.
Head lettuces make sure you have the correct varieties like iceberg that will not bolt (seed) during hotter weather. Start early from transplants.
Carrots and parsnips grow good in loamy or sandy soils. If you have clay soils, plant the shorter varieties. Otherwise, the roots will be stunted or misshapen. Also, keep watch out for the root weevil that burrows channels in the roots.
Sweet potatoes need to be planted from slips in warmer temperatures being a tropical plant. They also average 100 days to produce potatoes. Best grown in raised beds.
Artichoke is a flower bud from a large thistle. As an annual in our climate, it needs 120 days to produce. Aphids are a frequent problem.
As with everything changing with the New Year, there are even new trends in the garden and flowerbeds.
Bright colors in the flowerbeds
We are going back to the basics as in brighter colors in the flowerbeds with easy to grow plants. Many will be planting native plants as annuals and perennials for people not wanting to replant every year.
For the gardens, many newbies are starting with small gardens for the best tasting, healthy fruits, and vegetables. Organic is a big word meaning not using certain insecticides and fertilizers with a chemical component.
Landscape with stone mulch and underground irrigation
For both the flowerbed and garden, the use of drip irrigation to conserve water and save money. Also, using a mulch like straw or even plastic helps to conserve water.
Great area for butterflies and other wildlife
Planting trees and shrubs is becoming increasingly important in providing homes for wildlife and food. Add a water source like a pond.
Living space outdoors
More and more people are adding to their backyard an extension to their living area. Using fencing and patio for grilling and providing privacy from neighbors. Add a stream or fountain for a relaxing sound of moving water. By adding a fire pit or outdoor fireplace extends the time you can be outside.
Monochromatic whites in a container
Container gardening is of course becoming more popular not just for flowers but for vegetables. The color schemes are changing from different colors in containers to more monochromatic blues, oranges, and yellows.
Moon garden
Do not forget to get the kids involved. Moon gardens are trending by planting plants blooming with whites and silver leaf colors. Place a solar light in the bed to make the whites glow at night.
Houseplants are becoming more popular mainly for purifying the air in the house. The old fashion plants are making a comeback like the Boston fern, snake plant, and philodendron.
Growing herbs and flowers in a small area
Herbs for fresh cooking are popular. I see this fad continuing.
A moon globe source of artificial light
Using artificial light is a good way to add more interest to the landscaping. Providing security to keep unwanted persons or animals out.