What is bonsai? First, many people think that only certain plants can be used in bonsai. No, any tree or shrub can be made to grow bonsai. You can also buy dwarf trees and shrubs that were grown for bonsai culture. Trees like junipers are the easiest to start out with. Jade plants make excellent candidates.
You can get a small tree or shrub and let it grow in a large container for a few years or dig up a growing specimen for the ground. Now prep the plant by washing the soil off the roots and prune the roots. Take a wire and wire the roots to the new bonsai pot so the plant will not push up when it grows. You can also wire around the stem to create a “crooked growth trunk” if you choose. This also allows you to train the branches creating a windswept effect. Remove the wire when the effect is accomplished, or the wire starts to dig in the tissue.
Fill your bonsai with potting soil with some actual soil mixed in and keep watered. Do not fertilize for a while. After the tree or shrub starts to grow you can begin fertilizing.
Most of the pruning will be to keep the plant in check. You will pinch off the new growth to keep the tree in check. For blooming plants, pruning in the spring will create more flowers in the following year.
You need to repot your bonsai every 3 to 5 years. Lift the root ball and remove 1/3 of the root area to keep your plant “dwarf”.Give you bonsai plenty of light and humidity. Keep away from cold drafts or heat vents.
The bonsai way came from China which created miniature landscapes over 2000 years ago. It was copied by the Japanese and the term bonsai came into effect meaning “planted in a container”.