Last week we wrote about the increasingly popular industrial style decor. Now let us delve into an offshoot of the industrial style called steampunk décor. This dates back to the Victorian Age where England was just starting the Industrial Revolution. So, metals and industrial mechanisms are brought into the home décor.

The wall colors go back to the factory colors of black, brown, and copper. Tin ceilings and wall coverings with gears and other inner factory mechanisms are part of the steampunk design. Obviously, furniture and other furnishing made from pipe (steam punk-get the pun) is a must. Steamer trunks make great coffee tables. Floors do not have carpet but are painted black, grey, or white. Wall can be darker woods.

In light fixtures, hanging pendant lights with Edison bulbs like the ones used in the factories at the time. Wall decorations are large gears (which you can adhere mirrors to), overly large clocks, and old distressed wood for cabinets.