Wood Deck looking Old and Rough

Is that wood deck looking old and rough going into winter? It might be time now to refresh the look of your tired deck by staining or painting.

Staining is by far the easiest method to use. Stains come in clear colors or different types of browns. Clear deck stains leave the wood looking its natural color. In our climate, apply stain every year for the health of the wood.

Semi-solid deck stains show a little of the wood grain, however, has a pigment to it like redwood color. They come in oil-based or water-based. The oil-based treatment penetrates the wood deeper. Once you use an oil-based stain, you need to keep using the same type of stain.

Solid deck stains cover the wood completely so you will not see the wood grain any longer. It will be like paint. Why would you use a solid stain or paint? If your deck is worn and looking rough, it might be a good solution.

You will pick paint over the stain for the endless colors and it will last a little longer. The con is to use paint, you need to use a primer, then paint (2 coats), and lastly apply a sealant on top of the paint when it dries.

Do not use house paint because it will peel and flake quickly. It is not made for high-traffic use.

Deadly Nightshade

This plant is popping up in gardens and people are wondering if it is a ground cherry.  This weed is called deadly nightshade and has toxic berries. The berries are sweet; however, it does not take many to get sick. The scientific name is Atropa belladonna which was used by English nobles as eye drops to dilate the pupils of the eyes (a custom at that time) and to kill Roman emperors like Claudius and Augustus.

Deadly nightshade fruit borne singly on stems.
Deadly Nightshade

This plant is confused with the black nightshade related to the tomato family (which are also in the nightshade family) are eatable and can become a weed. They need to be cooked to remove the alkaloids. You can find the seed in some garden catalogs.

Black nightshade fruits growing in clusters.
Black Nightshade

The deadly nightshade fruit is produced singly on the stem. The black nightshade fruit is produced in clusters. It is best not to eat either one just to make sure unless you know you planted black nightshade in the area or row.

Ground cherry growing in their husks.
Ground Cherry

Ground cherries look like nightshades, however, have a husk around the fruit. They can be commonly found in seed catalogs and are eaten raw or cooked in many recipes. There are wild ground cherries you may find by creeks or cultivated areas, however, getting them before the opossums, skunks, turkeys, pheasants, or quail will be tricky. All three of these plants can spread like weeds.

Inside Bugs Are Coming This Fall

Inside bugs are coming this fall to your home. It will be getting time for the outside bugs like spiders, ants, boxelder bugs, and others in being inside bugs. Many will be on your lawn to start with. So, keep the grass mowed, remove any debris around the house and garage that they love to hide under, and trim up your shrubbery (lightly). Also, caulk around the foundation and windows to keep them out which will also keep the cold out when the time comes.

Flies have been bad this year. Keeping your garbage bins away from the house is the main thing. Fly baits and sticky tubes will get some of the flies indoors but be careful, so your pets do not get to them.

I use a residual insecticide called Permectrin II, sprayed around where the foundation meets the ground. Spray up to around 3 feet on the side of the home and out 3 feet on the ground. Also do not forget around the windows and doors. If you do not want to do this yourself, there are home pest control businesses in our area.