I Hate Mums!

I hate mums—or more properly Chrysanthemum sp.—with a passion second only to my distaste for the new “fancy” petunias that never last through the summer.  But mums are about as worthless in the garden in my estimation. Yes, they provide us some nice fall color, if you just want flowers, but they provide nothing interesting in the way of decent foliage contrast or shape variation, and the rest of the year they’re either just a slowly-growing blob that sits there like a green turd in your landscape, or they’re dead stems that break with the first snowfall.  I’d sooner plant ragweed in the yard than a border of mums.

Now, pay attention, asters are easy to grow perennial plants that take care of themselves all summer long. Their vigorous blooms appear later in the season, right when other flowers begin to fade. A surefire way of adding great fall color for years to come, Asters’ gorgeous flowers will stay true and strong until hard frosts set in. Aster is a popular and dependable food source for Monarch butterflies, who rely on the nectar of late-season blooms to fuel their fall migration. Oh by the way, asters are very hardy and rarely die no matter what soil they are planted in.

Purple Asters

Putting the Garden to Bed

Gardening in the fall is a great time to look back on your garden successes and disappointments, but there’s still plenty of time left for most of us to do some last-minute garden maintenance. Fall gardening takes advantage of cooler temperatures and less insects and putting the garden to bed is nowhere near as hectic as waking it up in the spring. You’ll have time to really see how your plants are doing. After the first hard killing frost, it is now time to putting the garden to bed.

Clear off the garden of old dead plants. Enrich garden beds with compost or manure, it is easier now than in the wet spring. Just spread an even layer on any exposed soil and roto till it in. Winter’s freezing and thawing, with some extra help from the earthworms, will work it into the soil for you. Garden centers often sell compost in the spring, but rarely in the fall (don’t know why).

Clean bird feeders to get them ready for use. The birds have done a great job of feasting on garden pests and serenading you all summer, now it’s time to encourage them to stick around another year.

Gather and dry some herbs for winter use, seed heads and flowers like yarrow for drying. Get ahead start on your garden clean-up by cutting back plants like hydrangea and bringing them indoors, for some garden memories.

Clean out cold frames for winter use. You won’t want to do it when the temperature hovers below freezing. Cleaning it out in the fall makes it all the more likely you will put it to use in the spring.

Winterize your water garden. Get ready to turn off the pump and turn on the ice breaker. Don’t forget to cover the water garden with netting, to keep the falling leaves out.

Keep trees and shrubs well-watered until the ground freezes. They may look dormant, but they’re still alive. If you have a mild, dry winter, continue watering throughout the season. This goes doubly for trees that were planted this year.

Cut back most perennials. Definitely cut back diseased perennials and remove all foliage and dispose of it somewhere other than the compost.

Clean, sand and oil garden tools before storing them for the winter. Cleaning your hand pruners is less intimidating than you think.

Take cuttings now, before a frost turns your plants to mush. It’s much easier to bring in small cuttings of plants to over-winter, than large pots of mature plants and they’ll transplant better outdoors, next spring.

Silver Lace Vine

Choosing a vine for the garden is a tricky business. The perfect vine would be one that is beautiful, easy to grow and stops at the end of the trellis. The stopping part – or perhaps more accurately failing to stop – is a critical feature to consider when introducing any vine into the garden. Silver lace vine is a beautiful vine, but it does have a wild heart.

Silver lace vine is a member of the smartweed family, and as such is often included in that group under the synonym name Polygonum. It is a fast-growing, semi-woody perennial that climbs by twining or will scamper across the ground or low growing shrubbery. It starts re-growth early and climbs to a height of 12 to 15 feet in the season. In late summer and early fall, it blooms with masses of white, fragrant flowers.

Silver lace vine is an easily grown deciduous vine well-suited for covering fences, arbors or other garden structures. Mine grows up an 8-foot fence into an apricot tree. It does best in full sun locations and is most vigorous in fertile, well-cared for sites. One easy way I control its rampant spread is to plant it in more difficult locations and allow it to fend for itself. Severe pruning at any season can be used to control spread. It is hardy from zones 4 through 8.