Backyard Birds in the Winter

What to feed the backyard birds in the winter. Starting with mixed seeds which are good for beginners bringing different types of birds to your feeder. They can be messy because birds will pick them through to get to the special seeds. The smaller seeds will end up on the ground, but the ground feeding birds will pick them up.

Platform Feeder

Black oil sunflower seeds will attract blue jays, cardinals, finches, chickadees, nuthatches, and sparrows. Sunflower seeds are the most popular bird food.

Niger sock feeder

Niger seeds are tiny, black seeds that require a special feeder with small slits so the seed does not run out. This will attract goldfinches and other types of finches.

Flicker Woodpecker

Suet is a block of animal fat mixed with seed. This type of food is a healthy source of protein when it really gets cold. The favorite food of woodpeckers. Many seed feeders have a suet cage on the ends for inserting the suet.

You can feed peanuts, cracked corn, peanut butter, and a mixture of fruit both dried or fresh to give the birds a variety.