A few spruce trees and other evergreens are showing some browning needles. Needles behind the new growth and truck will shed, this is natural.ย With the unseasonable drought, heat, wet, and cold that we have experienced over the past several years, many of the evergreens especially blue spruce and firs.
Needle drop can exhibit several problems caused by weather, environmental problems, insects, and diseases. There are many noninfectious problems that can mimic diseases. A few possibilities include an imbalance in soil pH, poor fertility, fertilizer or chemical burn, root injury, and drought stress. I think the main cause is not watering the tree right before soil freeze. Later, browning occurs from some diseases on the blue spruce include the Cytospora canker and Rhizosphaera needle cast. It could also be mite damage. The mites are spider-like creatures that suck the sap from spruce needles, so that when viewed under magnification, the needles appear speckled with yellow flecks. You can scout for mites by shaking a symptomatic branch over a white sheet of paper and then looking for tiny, moving dots (mites).
It is important to correctly identify the issue causing the branch die-back before proceeding with any solution. I am going to suggest if you want to, bring a sample down to the office for identification or any other problems you may be having.