Springtime’s Knocking on the Door

Hey there, springtime’s knocking on the door, and you know what that means – it’s time to start prepping for some indoor gardening magic! Clear up those cobwebs, sweep away the dust, and get ready to turn that back room into a little slice of horticultural heaven.

We will make our weekly trips to the local greenhouse or nursery for your plant fix, but where’s the fun in that when you can dive into a whole world of variety right from the comfort of your own catalog? I mean, just think about the possibilities – tomatoes in every shape, size, and hue imaginable, from fiery red to sunny yellow. And let’s not forget about those heirloom gems, each with its own story to tell. How about the peppers from sweet to super-hot.

Now, before we dive headfirst into seedling paradise, let’s get organized. Step one: seed order. Get those babies lined up and ready to roll. Most take a week to show up. Next up, let there be light! Grab yourself some affordable fluorescent shop light fixtures and swap out those tubes for some grow lights if you want. Your seedlings will thank you later.

As for containers: milk cartons, cottage cheese tubs, old cake pans – you name it. Just make sure they’ve got drainage holes to keep those roots happy. And if you’re recycling containers from last year, a quick dip in a 10% bleach solution will zap away any lingering diseases in the container.

Forget about soil; opt for some good germinating mix. Trust me, it’s a game-changer. And hey, if you’re feeling adventurous, why not kick things off early with onions, geraniums, begonias, or petunias? Mid-March through the end of the month is prime germination time.

So there you have it – the roadmap to indoor gardening glory. Get those orders in, set up your space, and let the green thumb games begin next week!