Doing Stem Cuttings from your Lilacs

If you want to start another hedge of lilacs from your existing hedge, try tip cuttings. This is an easy and cheap way to increase your plants. Do this by selecting stem cuttings from your lilacs between 3 to 5 inches long. Cut with sharp pruners or scissors. Make sure your cuttings come from along a branch that easily breaks. If the branch bends, it is too young if the branch breaks, it is too old.

Place your cuttings in moist sand, however, you can use a potting mix. Water again after the cuttings are placed and keep moist but not over wet. This is why sand works best. Mist a couple of times a day or place a bag over the cuttings loosely (you want some ventilation). Some things to help are a rooting hormone (wet the bottom of the cutting and dip into the powder) and if you can provide bottom heat, this greatly helps. It will take between 4 to 8 weeks to root, then place a rooted cutting in 6-inch pots and gradually bring outside for conditioning.

Removing sucker is an easy way to propagate your lilacs.

Lilac cuttings