Pruning Shrubs this Spring

Pruning shrubs is easy, even to rejuvenate an old one that has lost its desire to bloom.

You want to thin out the stems of your shrubs each year, so they do not get raggy looking. Start by removing an entire stem or branch, either back to its point of origin on the main stem or to the point where it joins another branch. Remove the oldest canes first never removing over 1/3 of the shrub in one year. This allows the younger stems to grow and it is the younger canes that will grow

Heading mean shorting the height of the plant. Cut to a bud that faces to the outside of the plant, this prevent branches from growing into the plant. Usually done with hand-held pruners, heading stimulates the buds just below the cut, encouraging dense growth. Never remove over Β½ of the growth. So, pruning shrubs is not that hard.