This is now the time to prune fruit trees. Many people think this process is technical, however, there are 8 basic rules you can follow to make this process simpler.

- Remove any suckers growing around the base of the tree. If your tree is grafted, remover any growth below the graft.
- Remove any watersprouts. These are twigs growing straight out of a branch. Any other branches growing straight up along the trunks, remove.
- Remove any broken branches or diseased areas.
- Remove any branch growing upward with the main trunk. Bearing branches should be at around 45 to 60 degrees from the trunk. These will be the strongest and most bearing.
- Remove any branches rubbing on each other.
- If you want to reduce the shape of the tree, cut back up to 30% of the tree. Cut right at a bud at a 45-degree angle.
- Went you remove a branch, make sure you do not leave a stub. Make the cut flush to the trunk leaving the growth ring.
- Remember the more light that can get into the interior of the tree, the more fruit it will bear.

You can use these rules for shade trees.