What will you do if you are thinking my lawn is not as nice as the lawn down the street? Many people over-think this, however, there are 3 basic steps to improving your lawn.
The first thing is to fertilize your lawn properly. By adding fertilizer now when the grass is actively growing (May) helps prepare the lawn through the summer. Then adding another dose of fertilizer in late August when the temperatures cool and the grass starts to grow and get ready for winter dormancy. The third fertilizing time would be in late fall. This fertilizer usually comes under a โwinter fertilizerโ which is slow-release so it is present when the roots start to regrow in early spring.
Next is to water properly. On established turf, water less for longer periods so the soil becomes saturated. Water early in the morning so the grass dries in the afternoon to prevent fungus diseases. Early morning watering has less evaporation because of less wind and heat.
Mowing is also important. Never cut off more than 1/3 of the grass length. In the summer, leaving 3 inches is beneficial because the grass shades the ground preventing soil moisture evaporation. Also, if your grass shows brown tip a day after mowing, you need to sharpen or replace the blade.
Lastly, if you have a good strong lawn, it will reduce the weed population. You will still get weeds here and there and around the edges. If you let the weeds grow, they will take water and nutrients from the soil. For perennial weeds like dandelions or creeping jenny spray in late fall (October) to kill the weed. You can control the spread and the flowers now by spraying usually with a 2,4-D spray. Wait till early morning or evening when the wind goes down to prevent drift.
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