Dog ticks are everyone’s nightmare especially your dogs’. Keep areas free of tall grass, weeds and garden debris – you’ll also discourage small rodents, which transport ticks. Place outdoor play and entertainment areas in sunny, airy spots, away from tick-prone zones. Most importantly, eliminate existing ticks and create a perimeter of protection around your home with effective tick control treatment.
With GardenTech® Sevin® brand products, you can kill and control ticks and dozens of other unwelcome insects, even among favorite fruits and vegetables and landscapes where edibles and ornamental mix. Target larvae and nymphs with late spring and early summer applications. Target adult ticks in late summer and fall.
When applying spray, either organic or chemical, to eliminate fleas and ticks from your yard, it is important to exercise caution and restrict your pets from the treated areas for at least 24 to 48 hours. Pets may experience adverse reactions, even when coming in contact with natural ingredients.
The cheapest and easiest way to keep your yard free from fleas and ticks is to practice proper cultural care and keep up on your garden landscape. Mow your lawn and keep shrubs and plants well-manicured. Additionally, remove anything from your yard that might attract rodents and other animals, including trash and debris. Rodents and animals carry fleas and ticks and may be the cause of an infestation.

How to remove a tick from you or your pet
Use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin’s surface as possible.
Pull upward with steady, even pressure. Don’t twist or jerk the tick; this can cause the mouth-parts to break off and remain in the skin. If this happens, remove the mouth-parts with tweezers. If you are unable to remove the mouth easily with clean tweezers, leave it alone and let the skin heal.
After removing the tick, thoroughly clean the bite area and your hands with rubbing alcohol or soap and water.
Never crush a tick with your fingers. Dispose of a live tick by putting it in alcohol, placing it in a sealed bag/container, wrapping it tightly in tape, or flushing it down the toilet.