This Week in the Garden

Ah, the gardener’s life this week in the garden! Let us summarize. It’s like a game of green thumb roulette every year. But, hey, this season had some major wins! Anytime the radishes and lettuce don’t bolt faster than you can blink, that’s a high five from the universe. And let’s not even start on the cucumber bonanza! Next year, with staggered plantings, I hopefully have cucumbers through a longer season.

The peppers really came through too, which led to some seriously spicy dishes. And those sweet, sugar-loaded, after a freeze carrots, beets, and parsnips? Freshly dug and primed for soups and roasts.
As for the melons, well, cucumber beetles and their bacterial carriers clearly missed the memo that melons were on the “good list” this year. And those squash borers—relentless, as always!
I got tomatoes long enough before they said “I’m done” phase before they blighted out.

Broccoli and cauliflower bolted early with 1-inch heads. Maybe next year will be the cauliflower’s time to shine if I will start them earlier so they hopefully will set ahead before the long heat of August. Broccoli can be forgotten; I do not like it much anyway.

And flowers, especially the snapdragons, blooming away in the pots finally froze last week. The calendulas finally froze last weekend.

The smoke tree and yellow barberry put on a long autumn color show of reds, yellows, and purples. Got the tulips and daffodils planted so here is to no hard freeze in May to dampen the potential spring’s show.

Do not forget to water those evergreens, especially the ones next to the house again before taking in the hoses. Also, the shrubs and trees that were planted this year could stand another drink before the soil freezes up.

But hey, next year really is always the better year. Here’s to winning more rounds in the garden game!