An old way of pruning fruits against a wall, fence, or other flat area was called espalier. This French word means “something to rest on”. This art was a practice in Mt. Vernon and other spots in early colonial days. This practice fell out of use with the breeding of dwarf fruit varieties.

Is it practical? A tree can be trained along a south-facing wall creates a micro-climate a zone or two warmer than out in the open. You can grow many varieties in an area than normal. Now it is mainly used as a decorative accent as a living fence.

It is not that hard to create an espalier by topping off the leader trunk and training 4 to 6 of the lateral branches. With better air circulation, insects and diseases are reduced, the fruit is larger and more deeply colored and harvests over a shorter period of time.

Apple and pear are traditionally used; however, you can use cherry, plum, and apricots.