These flowering plants will bring color and warmth to your winter home this winter. Since Valentine’s Day is coming up, you may find these plants at florists shops or some retail stores. Coming home from the outdoors inside to some flowering plants can boost your mood when those cold winds are blowing. Try some of these indoor plants to give your home a brighter look this winter.
The hibiscus plant will bring a touch of the tropics to your home. This is a big plant – it can grow to be 6 feet tall with flowers up to 8 inches in diameter – so make sure you have the space for it. There are smaller varieties. It needs lots of light to keep blooming and will bloom regularly throughout late spring through fall, but it’s been known to bloom in winter, too. Keep your hibiscus happy by placing it in a sunny corner of your home.

The anthurium is a great plant to have in your home around Valentine’s Day, because its bright red blooms, and even its leaves, resemble hearts. Although red is a popular shade, this plant also blooms in shades of pink, lavender, and white. It grows best in medium to bright light and can reach a height of 3 feet. Consider grouping it with other leafy, potted plants to make your own indoor garden.

African Violet
The African violet is an easy-to-grow, colorful plant that is available in hundreds of varieties. They bloom year-round and come in many different colors – not just purple. They love bright light and warm conditions, so they do best near a window or on a windowsill. Try putting them in a pot that’s an opposite shade on the color wheel – a yellow pot would really set off purple flowers, for example. They are very easy to grow under a gro-light.

These late-winter bloomers produce 3-inch wide, bell-like flowers in a variety of rich colors, often with contrasting white bands or specks. Be sure to keep these plants warm as they do best in high humidity and warmer temperatures. They like medium to bright light, so they would do well near a window as long as it’s not drafty.

To give your home the fresh, pleasant scent of the outdoors while it’s shut up in winter, try a jasmine plant. It will produce sweet-smelling white or pink flowers on a beautiful, vining plant, providing a perfect winter mood booster. Jasmine does best in bright to intense light. It can either be grown in a pot or in a hanging basket next to a window. I have found it to be easier to grow than a gardenia.

Peace Lily
The peace lily is a beautiful addition to your home around Christmastime and beyond. It’s a low-maintenance plant that does well in low light making it hard to kill. Its large, glossy leaves are attractive on their own, but the large, spoon-shaped white flowers steal the show. Just make sure kids and pets stay away because they’re poisonous when consumed. Try displaying in a tall vase in an earthy brown or deep red to set off those white flowers.

Flowering Maple
The flowering maple features delicate, bell-shaped blooms that come in shades of red, orange, yellow and pink. It blooms almost constantly throughout the year, filling your house with color on those dark days. Be sure to water evenly to make sure the delicate flowers don’t drop off. The flowering maple can be grown as a tree, shrub or even in a hanging basket. I keep mine in a south window and put it outside in the summer under a shade tree. My plant is around 6 feet tall.

Kaffir Lily
The Kaffir lily, also known as the clivia, is a winter bloomer that produces clusters of reddish-orange, tube-shaped flowers. Its intense color will really perk up your home during those long, dark days. It’s very easy to grow; it just requires medium light and barely moist soil. It can reach a height of 2 feet, so it would make a great showpiece on your living room coffee table or display table.

Goldfish Plant
Love fish, but don’t have a tank? Try the next best thing and get a goldfish plant. This plant will flower in winter if it has enough light, and it produces orange flowers that resemble its namesake fish. It enjoys medium to bright light, and the flowers bloom on long stalks that resemble fishing lines. It’s a great plant to display in a hanging basket near a window, giving you a little preview of summer.

These lively indoor plants will brighten your seasonal outlook and make you appreciate being in your cozy and colorful winter home.