In the Garden this Week

Sunscald on a tomato

If you had a low fruit yield in the garden this week, this was probably due to the high temperatures. Pollen in many varieties becomes sterile when the temperature is above 90 degrees. Keep a list of the varieties that did good and poorly for next year’s buying. Hot weather also causes discoloration in tomatoes where you get yellow blotches with red along with sun scald and a large white core.

Sand bur plant

The weed of the week is sandburs. There is nothing you can do now, however, in the spring use crabgrass preemergence in May and again in another 6 weeks in those areas prone to sandburs.

Do not cut asparagus down, let them turn yellow to feed the roots for next year. You can cut them off after they dried up. Male varieties like Millenium Hybrid are more productive.

Dig onions after the tops have fallen and 2/3 of them are yellowing. Dig potatoes 1 to 2 weeks after the tops have died.

This is a great time to plant trees and shrubs, such as pines, spruces, and container-grown plants, because the plants will have time to develop their roots before the winter conditions. Plus, the weather is cooler which helps.

Also, it is time if you wish to divide and move iris and daylilies. Wait till September to divide or move peonies.