Tag: Vines

Vines in the Landscape

Sweet Autumn Clematis

A lot of people overlook planting vines in the landscape. They provide height to an otherwise flat area, create a private area, hide a cover for unsightly views like around garbage cans, and create shade by growing over an arbor.…

Vining Plants

Whether you want an ugly fence covered or adding a focal point using vining plants. My favorite vine for quickly covering a large fence is hops. It is a green vine without noticeable flowers, however, having cute papery hops. A…

Porcelain Berry

So .. Porcelain Berry vine has that beautiful blue I can count on every autumn rather small but outstanding in the BLUE department coming in clusters of blue, reddish, and purple colors. Leaves can come in variegated white also. The…

Silver Lace Vine

Choosing a vine for the garden is a tricky business. The perfect vine would be one that is beautiful, easy to grow and stops at the end of the trellis. The stopping part – or perhaps more accurately failing to…