Tag: vegetables

All-American Selections for Vegetables

Guess what just hit the shelves โ€“ the All-American Selections for 2024 for vegetables and flowers are here, bringing some serious flavor and color to the garden. First up, we’ve got the Purple Magic broccoli. Not only does it add…

Hottest Pepper List of 2023

Hey there, spice enthusiasts! The much-anticipated hottest pepper list of 2023 has finally dropped, and it’s not for the faint of heart. If you’re an advanced gardener or an adventurous cook, these insanely hot peppers might be just your thing.…

Phases of the Moon in Gardening

I remember my mother would plant her garden by the phases of the moon. I have never been a convert for moon phase gardening. My method has been if I have time to plant between wind, snow, soil temperature, or…

Hard to Grow Vegetables

If you are a first-time gardener, these are some hard to grow vegetables to think twice about. Celery takes up a lot of water compared to other crops. Also, it likes cooler spring temperatures to properly mature. Some people blanch…

Think About Your Garden this Year

Go time to start thinking about what you want to grow in your garden this summer. Now is the time to order seeds because of a limited supply from the growers last year because of the heat and drought. I…

Hot Weather is Slowing Down Fruit Production

The hot weather is slowing down fruit production in the garden dramatically. My summer squash (which I planted a dozen hills) usually produces more than I certainly can use. The plants now produce maybe one fruit every few days, which…

Tomato Problems

Most of the questions that will be coming in will relate to tomato problems, and earlier this summer, relate to tomato problems. As in most years, the most frequent problem with tomatoes this year will be leaf spot and blight…

Different Types of Vegetables

Here are some different types of vegetables to grow this season if you are feeling adventurous. One is a luffa squash. Grown for the luffa sponges you see at expensive retail stores. You can even eat the โ€œzucchini-likeโ€ squash if…

Winter Squash

There are many types of winter squash. The definition of winter squash is a squash that will harden their skin in the fall and keep for months. The winter squash family includes all pumpkins. We all know the acorn type…

Savoy Cabbage

This cabbage type is called a savoy cabbage type. They have the puckered leaves and looser heads. It is a milder and lighter texture than the regular green and red types of cabbage. So, what is the advantage of growing…

Tomato Leaves Curling

I have received many questions about tomato leaves curling. The most common reason for this during this time of the year is environmental. It even has its own name: physiological leaf roll. The plant is growing rapidly and the roots…

Hardening Off

Ever bought plants from a greenhouse and transplanted them to your garden just to have them die a couple of days later? The plants from a sheltered greenhouse were not able to withstand the full sun of drying winds, they…

Season Extenders

I used to plant everything in the garden the second week in May. Trying to get everything done in May was impossible. So, lately, I have started to plant much earlier. Last weekend I planted radish and spinach seeds. These…

Several Types of Peas

Soon we will be planting cold season crops like peas. Peas originated in southeast Asia went to China and was brought back to Europe thru trade. It was not until 1940 that peas become a staple in North America. But…

Newer Different Vegetables

There are some newer different vegetables that are notable for this year. If they have not made it into your seed selection yet, you may want to add them. Many have planted spinach to be disappointed when its bolts (sending…