Tag: lawn pests

This Week in the Garden

This week in the garden, if you have dead spotty areas in the lawn, try pulling the grass up. If it comes up like a carpet, then dig around to see if you have any grubs. They will be large…

In the Garden this Week (Sept 21)

In the garden this week, get ready to start spraying the perennial weeds like thistle, bindweed, and dandelions in the lawn and garden. In the lawn use a selective herbicide like a mix with 2,4-D. In the garden after harvesting,…

3 Basic Steps to Improving your Lawn

What will you do if you are thinking my lawn is not as nice as the lawn down the street? Many people over-think this, however, there are 3 basic steps to improving your lawn. The first thing is to fertilize…

June Bug

If youโ€™ve ever been out on a summer evening outdoors only to be startled by an inch-long, slow-flying beetle crashing into you, then youโ€™ve encountered a June bug (which is actually a beetle) of which I have been receiving many…

Dog Ticks (Control & Prevention)

Dog ticks are everyone’s nightmare especially your dogs’. Keep areas free of tall grass, weeds and garden debris โ€“ you’ll also discourage small rodents, which transport ticks. Place outdoor play and entertainment areas in sunny, airy spots, away from tick-prone…

Dandelions are so Annoying

Dandelions are so annoying. I dig them, they grow back and just keep popping up again. It makes you wonder if there is a secret to their multiple lives. Well, the secret is out. Dandelions have long roots that go…