Tag: Landscaping decor

Lighting your Landscape

Colored solar path lights

Lighting your landscape areas gives you an interesting look at your back or front yards at night. It provides interest, security, and color. The easiest way to do this is to use solar lights. They do not cost anything to…

Solar Outdoor Accent Lights

Solar outdoor accent lights have come a long way from the simple path lights. The lights are brighter, coming in changing colors, and the batteries last longer. The advantages of solar lights are that they can be placed anywhere as…


Whirligigs are outdoor objects that have a spinner and at least another moving part. The wind would blow the spinner and pump a little piston rod for another action. Usually, there were made of wood, then metal, and now, plastic.…

Weeping Mulberry

Many of us that plant shrubs and trees, anything that will take the heat of summers and the cold of winters. While that is the main consideration, there are others like leaf color, growth habit, fruit, and so on. A…

Weeping Trees and Shrubs

Landscaping with weeping trees and shrubs should always be considered. Since they will attract the attention of the viewer, they should be planted in the background with other plants around them. The picture of the full-grown weeping willow next to…

Putting in a Rock Garden

Putting in a rock garden is fairly easy especially after the first few steps. The garden can be as big or small as you want and be placed anywhere in the landscape where you want it. Maybe in a dull…

Homemade Water Fountains

Homemade water fountains make a statement in any yard, from the visual and sound of flowing water to creating a mini nature preserve for dragonflies and butterflies. All you need is a close basin for the water to collect in,…

Using Stone and Rocks in your Landscaping

Using stone and rocks in your landscaping gives the area another interesting element. This is called hardscaping, using a material other than living plants. The term rock is much bigger than a stone which is smoother due to weathering. I…

Wind Spinners

Wind spinners can be a do-it-yourself project or a high-dollar piece of art. Using one in the backyard gives motion to the area giving a calm feeling. The wind or breeze is now something you can see. In the garden,…

Ornamental Grasses in the Landscape

Over the last few years, interest in ornamental grasses in the landscape have surged in popularity. They require little care, not very much water, and depending on variety very winter hardy. Grasses vary in height, color, and seed head texture.…

New Trends in the Garden and Flowerbeds

As with everything changing with the New Year, there are even new trends in the garden and flowerbeds. We are going back to the basics as in brighter colors in the flowerbeds with easy to grow plants. Many will be…

Hay or Straw Bale Art

Small and large bales have been around for a long time. There is not an item that can be so versatile. There are some people that create hay or straw bale art. Small bales can be used for front porch…