Tag: houseplant culture

African Violets

Got room on a dresser or counter and the area needs some color? Try African violets. I used a 3-foot fluorescent light on a counter and grew over a dozen plants. My plants came from Marion Burtz the violet lady…

Christmas Cactus

There are 3 types of remarkably similar cacti called Christmas cactus, Thanksgiving cactus, and Easter cactus. What separates them are the blooming times. The Christmas and Thanksgiving cacti need around 6 weeks of short days to initiate blooming. The Easter…


I have been thinking about terrariums lately. My terrarium happens to be a large vessel with a narrow throat I received for Christmas. The biggest point depending on the success of these types of container gardens is providing for good…

Fungus Gnats

Been getting questions on fungus gnats which are small fly-like insects that may be noticed flying around houseplants. They are commonly associated with over-watered houseplants or those grown in poorly drained potting mixes. If a houseplant pot is harboring fungus…