Category: Gardening & Landscape

All American Winners for 2022

Last week I gave you some of the All American Winners for 2022 (Bee’s Knees’ Petunia, Icicle Eggplant, Century Star Watermelon, Bauer Lettuce, and Buffy Pepper). Here are the rest: Pink Delicious F1 Tomato which is sweeter than other pink…

All American Selection of 2022

All American Selection Committee has released its new winners for 2022. These varieties offer new performance and are considered best in class for new varieties. These flowers and vegetables will be found as they become more available to retail stores…

Poinsettia as a Gift

Now you received a poinsettia as a gift, now how do you care for it? Give it bright light (a sunny window if not too hot) and keep out of cold areas like drafts. The biggest problem you may have…

Winter Squash

There are many types of winter squash. The definition of winter squash is a squash that will harden their skin in the fall and keep for months. The winter squash family includes all pumpkins. We all know the acorn type…

Growing Basil Indoors

July 23, 2021July 22, 2021 by Marisa Dallas I have always had trouble growing basil from seed indoors! Maybe this guest post from Jenn Stark, an Editor at Happy DIY Home will help me. I did grow the African Basil this spring and…

Fall Care for your Lawn

Fall is the best time to care for your lawn. You will get a better kill on perennial weeds now than in the spring. The weed in the fall will be taking more nutrients down to the root for the…


Whirligigs are outdoor objects that have a spinner and at least another moving part. The wind would blow the spinner and pump a little piston rod for another action. Usually, there were made of wood, then metal, and now, plastic.…

Fall is Coming to the Garden

As fall is coming to the garden, it is time to prep it for winter. Start by clearing off all of the debris and remove it by bagging, composting, or burning. This reduces the number of disease spores and insect…

Fall Color for your Perennial Bed

Want some fall color for your perennial bed? There are more choices than mums for adding color in the fall. Try asters which come in purple, red, and white daisy-like flowers. They start blooming in September to a hard frost.…

Time to Plant Fall Bulbs

It is becoming time to plant fall bulbs showing up in stores now or order online from bulb companies. You can plant the usual tulips, daffodils, crocus, and hyacinths, but there are other less familiar bulbs you can try. One…

Weeping Mulberry

Many of us that plant shrubs and trees, anything that will take the heat of summers and the cold of winters. While that is the main consideration, there are others like leaf color, growth habit, fruit, and so on. A…

Weeping Trees and Shrubs

Landscaping with weeping trees and shrubs should always be considered. Since they will attract the attention of the viewer, they should be planted in the background with other plants around them. The picture of the full-grown weeping willow next to…

Putting in a Rock Garden

Putting in a rock garden is fairly easy especially after the first few steps. The garden can be as big or small as you want and be placed anywhere in the landscape where you want it. Maybe in a dull…

Homemade Water Fountains

Homemade water fountains make a statement in any yard, from the visual and sound of flowing water to creating a mini nature preserve for dragonflies and butterflies. All you need is a close basin for the water to collect in,…