Category: Gardening & Landscape

Go Creative with Plant Containers

Flowers and plants add color and a cozy touch to any indoor or outdoor space—but you don’t have to stick with boring, conventional containers to house your blooms or greenery. Get creative and make use of items already in your…

Winter Injury on Evergreens

A couple of evergreen questions with similar problems, even though the trees are different.  Ten-year-old pines started to turn yellowish on the south side of the trees in late April.  The south side does get more wind than the other…

Gardens are so Muddy

With spring being here, we have recently been experiencing, many of us are anxious to get outdoors and start scratching away at Mother Earth, however, the beds and gardens are so muddy. Unpredictable is the single word that best describes…

June Bug

If you’ve ever been out on a summer evening outdoors only to be startled by an inch-long, slow-flying beetle crashing into you, then you’ve encountered a June bug (which is actually a beetle) of which I have been receiving many…

Planting Flower Containers

To provide visual interest to a flower container, follow the concept of planting flower pots “Thriller Spiller Filler”. In that, you have to combine plants of different heights and sprawling habit in each pot. 1. Thriller Thrillers are tall, upright…

Early Spring Flowers to Wake up Your Garden

Bloodroot (Sanguinaria Canadensis) Bloodroot, one of the earliest Spring Wildflowers Bloodroot is more of a groundcover than a bedding plant, but its small, white flowers can really brighten a shady or woodland garden. After the flowers disappear, the blue-green leaves…

Dog Ticks (Control & Prevention)

Dog ticks are everyone’s nightmare especially your dogs’. Keep areas free of tall grass, weeds and garden debris – you’ll also discourage small rodents, which transport ticks. Place outdoor play and entertainment areas in sunny, airy spots, away from tick-prone…

Good Plants for Plant Containers

Plants that love sun in containers: 1. Lantana: It is great for a hot spot and the Lantana colors are nice too, with yellow, confetti and some lavender and white.  It does good in sun and is drought tolerant.    Try a…

Dandelions are so Annoying

Dandelions are so annoying. I dig them, they grow back and just keep popping up again. It makes you wonder if there is a secret to their multiple lives. Well, the secret is out. Dandelions have long roots that go…

Get Rid of Crabgrass in Your Lawn

Crabgrass is an annual grass with broad blades that are coarse, pointed and short. It doesn’t blend in with lawn grasses in color, habit or texture and can be very competitive. If left alone, it will invade your lawns, flowerbeds…

Wide Row Gardening

Wide row gardening is a technique that I have been using for years. I got the idea from a book called the Victory Garden. Basically, rather than doing skinny row planting, you sow blocks (mine are about 2 ft by…

The Right Bug Light

Bug lights, although most of us want to avoid attracting insects to our light bulbs for mostly selfish reasons (insects = annoying). Overall, incandescent light bulbs pulled in the highest number of insects, followed by CFL, halogen globes, and cool-colored…

Popular Lawn Ornaments

America began copying the lawn ornaments of wealthy Europeans around the 1870s as front yards and lawns became a middle-class thing. Gnomes showed up in the 1700’s in Germany, they began invading Europe. The most famous gnome is the Travelocity…

Gardening by the Moon

The basic idea behind Gardening by the Moon is that the cycles of the Moon affect plant growth. Just as the Moon’s gravitational pull causes tides to rise and fall, it also affects moisture in the soil. Therefore, it’s said that seeds will…

Pruning Shrubs this Spring

Pruning shrubs is easy, even to rejuvenate an old one that has lost its desire to bloom. You want to thin out the stems of your shrubs each year, so they do not get raggy looking. Start by removing an…